Sat, April 7

Celebrate The Masters (Par 3)
Time Hole Players
Celebrate The Masters (Par 3)
Player Tee Time Hole Tee Other Players
Acton, David
9:00 AM 2 Men's Kidd, Thomas - Rodgers, Jeff - Rodgers, Mike
Amell, Patrick
9:00 AM 10 Men's Noyes, Sam - Richardson, Casey - Richardson, Steve
Anderson, Steven
9:00 AM 6 Men's Ford, Pat - Schmidt, George - Yurcina, Chuck
Audette, Casey
9:00 AM 12 Men's Fodor, Bradd - Louis, Jameson - Melnick, Todd
Beauchamp, Michael
9:00 AM 13 Men's Dale, Kenton - Donnell, Clark - Krantz, Todd
Beeson, Don
9:00 AM 1 Men's Brys, Thomas - Gagnon, Allie - Gagnon, Chad
Boonstra, Gary
9:00 AM 11 Men's Johnson, Rodger - Larsen, Keith - Rasmussen, Ray
Brix, Jim
9:00 AM 4 Men's Howell, Richard - Johnson, Robert - Voet, John
Brown, Warren
9:00 AM 3 Men's Johnson, William - Prewitt, Michael - Schelling, Eric
Brys, Thomas
9:00 AM 1 Men's Beeson, Don - Gagnon, Allie - Gagnon, Chad
Bull, Grant
9:00 AM 14 Men's Coleman, Ron - Smith, David - Wyer, Tim
Coleman, Ron
9:00 AM 14 Men's Bull, Grant - Smith, David - Wyer, Tim
Dahlen, Arik
9:00 AM 17 Men's Sprague, Willie - Troha, Leo - Wright, Ronnie
Dale, Kenton
9:00 AM 13 Men's Beauchamp, Michael - Donnell, Clark - Krantz, Todd
Donnell, Clark
9:00 AM 13 Men's Beauchamp, Michael - Dale, Kenton - Krantz, Todd
Dybevic, Eric
9:00 AM 7 Men's Hyppa, Kevin - Wagner, Doug
Fodor, Bradd
9:00 AM 12 Men's Audette, Casey - Louis, Jameson - Melnick, Todd
Ford, Pat
9:00 AM 6 Men's Anderson, Steven - Schmidt, George - Yurcina, Chuck
Ford, Tom
9:00 AM 8 Men's Geragotelis, John - Pierce, Doug - Pierce, Roger
Gagnon, Allie
9:00 AM 1 Ladies Beeson, Don - Brys, Thomas - Gagnon, Chad
Gagnon, Chad
9:00 AM 1 Men's Beeson, Don - Brys, Thomas - Gagnon, Allie
Gentry, Eric
9:00 AM 5 Men's Helwick, Kevin - Horrobin, Lucas - Tercero, Robert
Geragotelis, John
9:00 AM 8 Men's Ford, Tom - Pierce, Doug - Pierce, Roger
Helwick, Kevin
9:00 AM 5 Men's Gentry, Eric - Horrobin, Lucas - Tercero, Robert
Horrobin, Lucas
9:00 AM 5 Men's Gentry, Eric - Helwick, Kevin - Tercero, Robert
Howell, Richard
9:00 AM 4 Men's Brix, Jim - Johnson, Robert - Voet, John
Hyppa, Kevin
9:00 AM 7 Men's Dybevic, Eric - Wagner, Doug
Johnson, Robert
9:00 AM 4 Men's Brix, Jim - Howell, Richard - Voet, John
Johnson, Rodger
9:00 AM 11 Men's Boonstra, Gary - Larsen, Keith - Rasmussen, Ray
Johnson, William
9:00 AM 3 Men's Brown, Warren - Prewitt, Michael - Schelling, Eric
Kidd, Thomas
9:00 AM 2 Men's Acton, David - Rodgers, Jeff - Rodgers, Mike
Krantz, Todd
9:00 AM 13 Men's Beauchamp, Michael - Dale, Kenton - Donnell, Clark
Kubisiak, Tj
9:00 AM 15 Men's Lacey, Michael - Waller, Jeff - Wasinger, Brian
Lacey, Michael
9:00 AM 15 Men's Kubisiak, Tj - Waller, Jeff - Wasinger, Brian
Larsen, Keith
9:00 AM 11 Men's Boonstra, Gary - Johnson, Rodger - Rasmussen, Ray
Louis, Jameson
9:00 AM 12 Men's Audette, Casey - Fodor, Bradd - Melnick, Todd
Melnick, Todd
9:00 AM 12 Men's Audette, Casey - Fodor, Bradd - Louis, Jameson
Noyes, Sam
9:00 AM 10 Men's Amell, Patrick - Richardson, Casey - Richardson, Steve
Pierce, Doug
9:00 AM 8 Men's Ford, Tom - Geragotelis, John - Pierce, Roger
Pierce, Roger
9:00 AM 8 Men's Ford, Tom - Geragotelis, John - Pierce, Doug
Prewitt, Michael
9:00 AM 3 Men's Brown, Warren - Johnson, William - Schelling, Eric
Rasmussen, Ray
9:00 AM 11 Men's Boonstra, Gary - Johnson, Rodger - Larsen, Keith
Richardson, Casey
9:00 AM 10 Men's Amell, Patrick - Noyes, Sam - Richardson, Steve
Richardson, Steve
9:00 AM 10 Men's Amell, Patrick - Noyes, Sam - Richardson, Casey
Robinson, Steve
9:00 AM 9 Men's Robinson, Todd - Sears, Gordon - Stone, Jeff
Robinson, Todd
9:00 AM 9 Men's Robinson, Steve - Sears, Gordon - Stone, Jeff
Rodgers, Jeff
9:00 AM 2 Men's Acton, David - Kidd, Thomas - Rodgers, Mike
Rodgers, Mike
9:00 AM 2 Men's Acton, David - Kidd, Thomas - Rodgers, Jeff
Schelling, Eric
9:00 AM 3 Men's Brown, Warren - Johnson, William - Prewitt, Michael
Schmidt, George
9:00 AM 6 Men's Anderson, Steven - Ford, Pat - Yurcina, Chuck
Sears, Gordon
9:00 AM 9 Men's Robinson, Steve - Robinson, Todd - Stone, Jeff
Smith, David
9:00 AM 14 Men's Bull, Grant - Coleman, Ron - Wyer, Tim
Sprague, Willie
9:00 AM 17 Men's Dahlen, Arik - Troha, Leo - Wright, Ronnie
Stone, Jeff
9:00 AM 9 Men's Robinson, Steve - Robinson, Todd - Sears, Gordon
Tercero, Robert
9:00 AM 5 Men's Gentry, Eric - Helwick, Kevin - Horrobin, Lucas
Troha, Leo
9:00 AM 17 Men's Dahlen, Arik - Sprague, Willie - Wright, Ronnie
Voet, John
9:00 AM 4 Men's Brix, Jim - Howell, Richard - Johnson, Robert
Wagner, Doug
9:00 AM 7 Men's Dybevic, Eric - Hyppa, Kevin
Waller, Jeff
9:00 AM 15 Men's Kubisiak, Tj - Lacey, Michael - Wasinger, Brian
Wasinger, Brian
9:00 AM 15 Men's Kubisiak, Tj - Lacey, Michael - Waller, Jeff
Wright, Ronnie
9:00 AM 17 Men's Dahlen, Arik - Sprague, Willie - Troha, Leo
Wyer, Tim
9:00 AM 14 Men's Bull, Grant - Coleman, Ron - Smith, David
Yurcina, Chuck
9:00 AM 6 Men's Anderson, Steven - Ford, Pat - Schmidt, George